The Gardenia Legacy: Chapter 3.1

Welcome back, now it’s time for Gen C to take over!

First thing’s first, Ceres and Beckett get hitched, and Cassie moves in with them since she is, for all intents and purposes, single.

I’m glad Callie had the foresight to choose a wedding dress for her default formal wear, but one with different colored trimmings than Ceres’, so that they aren’t in identical dresses.

Beckett has maxed neat points, of course he isn’t a cake shover!

Cassie: “Dear Diary, I think I won’t tell Ceres that I have a bolt for her new husband. Also, when will we get furnishings?

That will have to wait for the next time the lot is played. Onto the main house!

Marylena, Callie’s fiancee, moved in and transitioned into this lovely number.

Marylena(who will now be affectionately known as Lena) Lieber

Sagittarius Knowledge, 2/3/9/7/4, LTW Prestidigitator, actually has some skill points.

Nothing like getting married with your dead relatives in the backdrop, right?

Borealis: “Just woke up from a nap. What’d I miss?”

You know what Borealis…nothing at all. Just enjoy the cake.

Callie: “Here comes the airplane Lena! Here it comes!”

Lena: “MMmfffPH! *choking sounds* “IS GOOD!”

Bianca: “Who left the sparkly fish here?”

Mary: “Oh they’re leftovers of something Eric made a few years ago. You should try some!”

Lena: “Cake is great and all, but why didn’t anyone make chili? Chili would ‘heat’ things up, if you know what I mean heh.”

Cyrene: “Hm. So I’ve got a sister-in-law now, and when Callie has a baby, I’ll be an aunt. Neat.”

Cyrene here just started her childhood when her older sisters left for uni. But soon she’ll no longer be the baby of the family!

Borealis: “When did my creator get so hot??”

SimMe: “I’m flattered but…I’m just gonna chalk that up to a midlife crisis.”

Barb: “Still in a wedding dress by the way.”

Yes well, you don’t seem to mind.

Borealis: “YEOWW, that hurt Cyrene!”

Cyrene: “Oh, is that how friction works? Good to know Daddy!”

I love when kids carpet shock somebody.

Callie: “Ugh, who knew making a baby can make you so queasy…”

Lena: “Sweetie, you could have let me have the baby you know. It’s the perks of having two wombs in the relationship.”

Callie: “Don’t worry about me Sugar Plum. I’m a family sim, we’re made to pop out babies like rabbits.”

Lena: “Still, don’t overexert yourself, okay? For all our sakes.”

Lena: “Gee thanks Wyatt. I think we’ve got about 320 mill in the bank right now? I’m sure this discount will be very useful.”

Wyatt: “Well you did just greet me as I was walking by, and you didn’t have to! It’s the least I can do.”

Let’s not tell him we’re just chatting him up because we need to up our friend count.

Callie: “Aw YEAH, who got a promotion on her first day as a detective? That’s right, yours truly! AND I got home at the same time as my sis, isn’t that GREAT?”

First things first, it was time for Cyrene to join private school. And since the headmaster gets along best with kids, Cyrene got to chat with him.

Uh, anyone gonna get that turkey? Callie?!

Callie: “Oh um, was this a bad time to go relax on the bed?”

Callie: *sigh* “My first private school dinner and it’s ruined.”

Cheer up, it doesn’t look that burnt.

Cyrene: “As you can see Mr. Headmaster, our family leads a very nutritious lifestyle.”

Headmaster: “I didn’t know charred coal classified as ‘nutritious.’ Blegh!”

Still, we got 34 points for the food.

Ah, so you two are the reason the lot lagged just now. I’ve never actually turned someone into a werewolf before, but I’m not even sure I want to, not a fan of the personality change.

What the-?!!

Leader of the Pack 1: “My turf. You do not interfere with pack boundary.”

LotP 2: “You though there was only one pack leader? Well this is mutiny.”

Their names are Maxx and Bailey by the way. Super sinister-sounding.

“That will teach you to meddle with your elders, pup.”

Maxx won.

And yes, there’s a baby on the way, so here’s the customary ‘pop’ picture.

Callie: “The second one!”

Please, just give birth soon.

Oh brother. I don’t think Mary is gonna get her LTW anytime soon.

At least Callie’s doing well.

Two promotions in one day? That’s my girl!

Callie: “Good news family! I’m starving, about to pass out, AND I have to pee like a racehorse BUT I’m a police chief now!!”


This doesn’t bode well. How long does it take before sims die of starvation??

Callie: “Okay that was two bites. Should be enough to stave off my hunger, right?”

At least get your hunger bar out of orange before you pass out.

Lena: “I’m not sure how much longer she can take it.”

Me neither. She eats a few bites, then passes out. She wakes up, takes another bite then passes out again. Rinse and repeat.

Also, look who got old.

Borealis: “Hm, I guess I could look worse. Though a cake would have been lovely.”

You work in the evenings, I didn’t really see the point of having a party. Honestly, that outfit rather suits you.

Besides, we have more important things to deal with than aging up.

Callie: “O-KAY guys I think we’re ready to go!”

Callie: “MOM! How about a few words of ENCOURAGEMENTAAGGHH!”

Mary: “Huh?” *blinks from daze* “Oh, just keep pushing honey. It’ll be over soon.”

Callie: “A girl, yay! I’m glad I got to have at least one.”

Callie: “Ooh-one sec Mom, I’m getting another kick!”

Mary: “I should have figured. Family sim and all.”

Callie: “Hey whaddya know, you’re a girl too! And blonde, just like Lena!”

Callie: “Actually, wait right here sweetie, I think there’s someone else I gotta pop out!”

Mary: “Oh joy. Another one?”

Callie: “Well hello there pretty lady, I certainly wasn’t expecting you but here you are! Now let’s see, I think Daphne will be the oldest, Danielle in the middle, and you can be Darcy! How does that sound?”

Darcy: “Goo.”

Callie: “Great!”

Callie: “Give me a moment darlings. Mommy needs to rest. Just a bit.”

Callie: “Uh oh. Mom?”

Mary: “…what is it?”

Mary: “Callie! Don’t tell me-“

Callie: “I’m alright Mom. Just a bit hungry. And very tired. But, but…”

Callie: “Don’t worry about me babies. I’ll-you’ll be alright…promise…”

Mary: “Oh…CALLIE!”

Lena: “Why…when you said you were okay. WHY were you lying?”

Cyrene: “Why did I have to be born last? I didn’t get to know at all, I HATE this! I hate it.” *sigh*

The triplets meanwhile, were stuck in their cribs. Whether their infant minds could even remotely process the grief, I’m not sure.

Lena: “As if losing Callie wasn’t bad enough. No, I won’t complain about this.”

Ceres: “We came here as soon as we heard.” *sniff* “T-there’s no way, she’s not really gone, is she?”

Borealis: “I know..C’mere sweetheart. Cassie?”

…I’m sorry.”

Cassie: “I’ve decided. I’m moving back in.”

Ceres: “Wait, really?”

Cassie: “Someone has to help Lena raise the triplets. She can’t face the burden on her own!”

Borealis: “I know that. Your mother and I are perfectly capable of helping out. We’ve raised four of you, you know.”

Cassie: “Not at the same time though!”

Cassie: “Please, I want to be useful to the family.”

Ceres: “You are useful Cass! Beckett and I love having you.”

Cassie: “I’m a third wheel and you know it. I just…it’s a lot right now. But I think if I’m here, if I’m closer to my nieces, I can be closer to her somehow.”

Borealis: “Well, if you’re sure that’s how you feel…”

Borealis: “Me personally, I can’t say no to having one of my girls back in the house.”

Cassie: “Thank you, Dad.”

Lena: “Did I miss something?”

Ceres: “Looks like you’re getting another family member!”

Lena: “Well…if you don’t mind changing several diapers a day, I think you’re already my hero!”

Lena: Is this a good idea? Callie’s only been dead a day. I should be grateful for Cassandra’s help. But I just get this awful thought we’re trying to replace Callie.

And so Cassie moved back into the legacy house and used the romance sim method to cope with her grief.

Larry Owens: “You haven’t invited me over in a while babe. What’s been going on?”

Cassie: “Let’s…not talk about that. Please, let’s just get to doing.”

Cassie: “I don’t get it. How is it that they manage to crap themselves at the exact same time?”

Uh, triplets sixth sense? Maybe.

Cassie: “Hmph, so you’re talking to us again? You’ve been pretty silent about what happened.”

I know. But I can’t explain it to you in a way you’d understand. Not yet. But know that I’m grieving too.

Cassie: “Whatever…I don’t feel like talking about this when I’m holding a smelly diaper.”

In other news, Mary aged up and apparently decided to dye her hair black.

Mary: “Did you even LOOK at my aspiration?”

Oh..yeah it’s not too high. I got caught up in the events that were happening. Sorry about that.

Mary: “Yeah you sure do seem sorry.” *eyeroll*

There, there. This will make you feel better!

Mary: “I suppose it’s something. The dress is a nice touch.”

Okay, everyone’s had their diaper changed so let’s try to grow everyone up in a timely manner.

First up is Danielle, Sag 2/3/9/7/9

Daphne, Sag 2/7/10/10/6

And Darcy, Sag 3/4/10/10/6.

So they all pretty much have the same personality, just that Daphne is a bit more outgoing.

Definitely looking forward to toddler training them at the same time. But before I leave things off…

R.I.P Calliope. She may have been a bit of an airhead and ate a few too many rotten sandwiches, but her heart was in the right place. She just had to overdo it by having triplets before she passed, but that’s just Callie. She will be missed.

Until next time.

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