The Gardenia Legacy: Chapter 2.1

Now that I’ve got the spares situated into their new homes and respective spouses(of whom you’ll hear much about in a future update), it’s time to truly commence Borealis’ reign as legacy heir!

“Hello, Mary? I’ve finally graduated, so how about we finally get married? Wait, what do you mean Takemizu is 13 hours ahead? And since when do you live there? How are you going to get here by tomorrow?”

Them vacation townies and their darn time zones! Good news is that I’ve actually added the destinations now, so Mary is actually coming from somewhere.

Borealis: “Oh well, guess I’ll think about fortune sim things ’till the appointed hour. Hey there Uncle Avenir, still mad about the burglary I see!”

Avenir: “Yep, and still leeching off the legacy house, since it’s way nicer than my own.”

Maybe I should have him reach his LTW already, so he’ll stop coming here so much.

Borealis: “Really Grandpa, that’s just rude. He was helping me with my charisma!”

Good going Pierce, now Avenir will leave due to hygiene desperation. We finally found a way to use him!

Good thing Borealis is doing well with his skills, because he got his dream job the next day.

Mary showed up the next morning, just as she promised. She’s another Fortune sim who also wants to be a hall of famer, guess they really are meant to be. But unlike Borealis, she doesn’t have a skill point to her name. Her personality is Capricorn 7/4/1/8/5.

The obligatory wedding party smustle pic.

No chairs because the guests can never figure out how to sit down on them. At least most of them are watching.

Rose: “What are you guys so ecstatic about? It’s a wedding. And there isn’t even a bar.”

A quick nibble of cake.

And then Mary had to go to her carpool for Team Mascot. Such is life.

Ai and Eric are doing just fine, by the way. They may not be up to anything particularly interesting, but they do frequently go outside in the middle of the night to perform romantic gestures.

Now this bedroom officially belongs to this generation’s couple, while Ai and Eric get relegated to the old people’s bedroom(though I personally think that one is prettier).

Ugh, here we go again. We’ll go with the homeopathic method.

…great. Well at least it wasn’t his body points, which he needs for promotion.

Thought you were fined a day’s pay?

“Umm, they paid me anyway because I’m nice? I think.”

Um, okay. And thanks for bringing home friend fodder for your parents. Your dad actually does have a LTW of 20 best friends, which I’ve been sorely neglecting.

They got one on the first try. Awesome, Gen C is on its way!

Eric: “I can’t talk to my grandkid?”

Mary: “No sorry sir, I think that interaction’s a bit too personal for us at the moment.”

Let’s just ignore that she’s got no belly in that dress.

Eric: “Point is dear, I’m about halfway on my LTW and I would appreciate if you were more cooperative, so I can befriend you faster.”

Mary: “I understand. But you’ll have to work harder to get to know me.”

These reactions are too good. Borealis is overjoyed, Eric and Bianca are devastated. No wonder Bianca spent the night playing chess here, she must have known.

The first C baby is a girl, Calliope. She has her mother’s brown hair and brown eyes, so it may be a farewell to recessives for now.

“What a shame, I missed the birth. My bladder was about to burst so…”

At least Eric had a want for a grandchild. Sigh.

“Okay I think that’s enough holding. There’s some dirty dishes downstairs.”

Parenting is off to a great start. Not like there’s a crib in the hallway or anything.

Borealis: “Alright sweetie, ready to have another?”

Mary: “What? So soon? How am I ever going to get promoted?”

So coy of them to act like they didn’t get back into bed themselves. But they wouldn’t try for baby autonomously so I had to get them out then back in again to get it done.

Eric: “Who’s my future BFF? YOU are!”

It’s tempting to have Eric do most of the interactions with the babies, so that come toddlerhood they’re best friends with him.

Borealis: “How’s my daughter doing over there?”

Eric: “Just peachy. Also, can you explain what’s so fun about juggling cups?”

Both he and Mary like doing it. I can understand Eric’s confusion, he’s only got one playful point.

Good news for Mary, this second pregnancy will be her last. Bad news is, toddler training is going to be something, for sure.

Ai topped military again, good for her. Where she’ll stay until she again gets that chance card of doom that I can never get right.

I had Eric throw Calliope’s birthday since he had the want. But then it rolled away and I didn’t realize it until later…and I had some other want locked. Oh well.

Mary: “Is it time for cake yet? Starving to death over here.”

Which is precisely why I woke her up for the party.

Hmm, I can’t tell who she looks like yet, structurally I mean. She’s a Sag like her daddy, but slightly different personality. 3/4/10/10/6

BTW, I’m no longer using the Wardrobe handicap. It’s more tedious than challenging, and I’m not really scoring anyway. Still doing the True Love and Fearless handicaps, since I think they make gameplay interesting.

First day back at work after three days off, and no promotion. Good job.

Borealis: “Sorry about that. But to be fair, I have been in the low green lately. I do have some nice fulfilling wants though…”

You just want a bowling alley and to sell a novel. The second one takes a while and if I give you the first one, you’ll just want more things. You may be a fortune sim but that doesn’t mean I have to play into your greed every time.

Borealis: “I see.”

It’s good that he hardly ever complains.

I didn’t even notice that Calliope(or Callie, as she shall be affectionately known) got potty trained. And she’s so cute and modest about it too! I like her a lot already.

Poor Mary. She’s had that promotion want locked for several days now, but this second pregnancy has been so rough that she is no condition to go to work.

On a side note, why do all the adults want to sell lemonade so much? It’s a bit weird, in my opinion.

Ai: “My husband is so terrific at piano.”

He must be, your bladder’s in the red yet you’ve just been standing there in admiration.

And Ai finally wrote the novel that’s required of each heir, so now she’s pretty much fulfilled all her life goals. Except make 30 best friends, I doubt that will happen.

Ai: “Woohoo, I’m a published author now! And don’t worry Mary, you’ve got this.”

Ai: “Let’s see, any good movies playing?”

Baby Girl #1, Ceres.

…to what exactly are you handing the baby off to??

Baby girl #2, Cassandra.

Fine time for the telescope to catch fire. This better not be a bad omen…

Mary: “I’m glad I had my daughters, but I can’t wait to finally get back to work.”

Funny how that works, they soil their diapers at the same time. Toddler years are going to be FUN.

It seems like something is broken/clogged every other day. Who’s the culprit I wonder? Maybe we need more expensive bathroom fixtures.

One last toddler picture of Callie…

Callie: “Nice, I’m still a pink princess.”

Phew, one less toddler in the household. Except now we’ll have two more.

Well how am I supposed to know game, I can’t see the baby’s needs. She’ll grow up any minute.

Okay, I see why the game complained. At least she didn’t crap herself right before aging up, like so many babies.

Ceres got her mom’s hair, and is also near starving. Hey, it’s not easy caring for twins!

Alright, now that she’s eating. Stats time.

Ceres is yet another Sagittarius. 5/1/10/9/10. A lot like her father, but she’s even shyer and a bit more neater.

Poor Cassandra, who couldn’t even make it to the bed, is an Aquarius 2/3/3/10/10. All the girls of this generation are close if not maxed playful, and they are all saints like their dad. Well, if the points don’t lie.

Ai: “You want a diaper change dear? Well give us a moment, us adults have needs too. Like your father here.”

Mary is just about done as well. She was too tired to even take a shower.

Callie: “I just love my room. And the bed. Whee!”

No jumping on the bed on my watch!

Callie: “‘kay then, I’ll just play God.”

You mean house?

Callie: Nope, God. Like you.”

Hey, you aren’t supposed to be making wisecracks just yet. You haven’t even met me.

Aren’t they so much cuter when they’re not passed out and in hygiene desperation?

Callie: “Are these scented with something?”

In case you can’t tell, she just had a bag of fly-ridden chips for breakfast.

Ai: “Eric beat me to it huh?”

But you don’t have smart milk. For all I know you could have picked up a rotten bottle lying on the floor.

Ai: “Tsk. So little faith in me.”

Pierce: “BOO! I hope you burn your salmon.”

Pierce is on the prowl tonight. He is scaring my most motives-deprived sims.

Doesn’t help that we have small children to worry about also.

Eric: “You expect me to feed my starving grandchild when I stink? Forget it!”

It’s times like these, when we’re in danger of the social worker, that sims show their benevolent nature.

Ai, you couldn’t walk any slower to the fridge if you tried.

Ai: “Which one is this for again?”

Okay crisis aborted, until Cassandra gets hungry.

I think I’ll leave off for now. Happy Simming!

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