The Gardenia Legacy: Generation B College (Part Two)

Welcome back, to some more Gardenia family fun. If you thought last update was dramatic, well…you’ll see.

Note: I wrote about half of this update before going on a three-month break. Most of the pictures are that old as well, so let’s see how much I remember of the situation. xD

“FINALLY, I get to graduate.”

In a bit, still about 3 semesters to go. But our girl Alcatraz has been stuck in college for approximately twenty years, so I can see why she’s itching to go.

“Oh. Right, My parents…”

An awkward time to receive inheritance money. On the bright side, the extra money can be used to furnish the house.

Having spent the majority of her freshman year holed up studying, Bianca tries out the other main aspect of college.

As Alcatraz knows, drinking can serve as a useful distraction from your surroundings.

Now that the gang has moved onto a lot with a hot tub, ACR now can do what ACR does best. Blake and Brittany were the first to have their timer off.

And while those two are getting hot and heavy, Bianca whacks Brittany’s fellow sorority mate with a ball.

The sorority girls are an interesting bunch. Especially Heather, who somehow Met Someone New with nobody at all.

“Not sure what’s going on in that head of hers. But at least she’s hot.”

Barbara: “I have the feeling we can be great friends.”

Sorority girls: *ANGRY GLARE*

As for Borealis, he doesn’t care much for socializing with random people, instead focusing on mastering creativity.

Of course, now that he has maxed out this skill, he wants to sell a great novel instead of a masterpiece. Ambitious isn’t he?

“It’s been ten years at this point, but I still won’t forgive her. Ever.”

Mean sims sure know how to carry a grudge.

The generation’s first toga party was mainly of the female variety, since Blake was the one who hosted and they make up the majority of his friend list. Even Briar Rose, Barbara’s younger sister, was invited to see what future college life had in store for her.

And then things got a bit messy.

Barbara: “Hey, what was that for? I thought we weren’t enemies anymore.”

Billie Joel: “Yeah well, you think we can stop fighting just cause you say so? Think again!”

Tiffany: “Something’s not right between those two. Not at all.”

And then there’s Bianca shooting an air ball, but this shot makes it look like she’s checking her armpit, heh.

Barbara: “Okay, YOU asked for it.” *pokes*

Heather: “Gosh Barb, can you stop fighting the other blonde? I just want to flirt with you.”

Eventually, Heather successfully distracted Barbara from partaking in another potential fight.

“Can I practice my nonexistent makeover skills on you, Heather?”

“Hmm well you managed to do okay with Brittany, so if you can make me look better than her, then I’m all for it.”


“What? Is it too much?”

“Well, on the bright side, your face matches your outfit now!”

Barbara didn’t care one bit about Heather’s clown paint. Since it’s probably just going to get washed off in the hottub.

I may have left the cowplant pen open. You know, just to see if anything happens.

“Really, nobody wants this cake? Well it’s not going to eat itself!”


“Well, this is unfortunate. Can’t be good for Blake’s party score.”

Actually it didn’t affect the score one bit. Dare I say it, but it was improved.

Or maybe that was merely because of the woohoo.

“Hey like, didn’t that girl you fight with just die?”

“Yeah, total tragedy. But babe, you’re rockin’ the clown makeup.”

“One minor casualty, no big deal. But hey Brit, we’re best friends now, isn’t it great?”

“We’ve used up every single romantic interaction, and all you get out of that is ‘best friends?'”

You’re a pop sim, Brittany. You should understand the grind.

“Alright, now that I’ve more or less made my semester’s living, I can call up Mary!”

“Borealis, sweetie, is that a gravestone over-MMMF!”

We can bring Billie Joel back at any time with the phone. Not for now though, 10,000 is a hefty fee and I’m not really the biggest fan of zombies.

Also Borealis would hate it. Also, three bolts now because of swimwear, so perfect time to fall in love!

I’ve been slightly neglecting Barbara aspiration wise, so she got herself a guitar and Bianca generously donated a single simoleon to the tip jar, so that Barbara could successfully play music for tips.

Getting the guitar also fulfilled some other household members’ wants, I’m sure. So the music will be never-ending.

Alcatraz: “Hey, congrats on falling in love.”

Borealis: “Wow thanks, Aunt Alcatraz. Don’t worry, I bet it’ll happen to you too!”

But Alcatraz doesn’t need her nephew’s vote of confidence. Just who could she be ringing up about this?

Turns out it’s her old friend Ming Williams.

What can I say, except that it was about time?

“Hmm, Billie is surprisingly full of vitamin D.”

And while Mary hasn’t left to go back to her vacation home that technically doesn’t exist yet, Borealis popped the question.

Barbara: “Sierra! Long time no see girl.”

Sierra: “Uh, hey. Never had a mark actually invite me over, that’s new.”

When you’ve known a burglar for so long, it makes sense to try to befriend them.

Bianca…gets right to the point in the conversation.

Bianca: “So, ever been to a jail?”

Sierra: “Nah, cops can never manage to catch me. Plus I’m tough, I bet I could handle prison.”

Bianca: “Really? What’s your body skill?”

Sierra: “Erm, a solid zero.”

Well it’s no wonder she’s such a lousy burglar!

Barbara: “Hey on second thought, I don’t think it was a good idea to invite a thief. Because I’m still not over it.”

Blake: “Barb, could you please make your angry face somewhere else? We’re having a riveting discussion about a pink dress.”

But as you can see, Barbara(and I) had an ulterior goal in mind. And I’m glad it worked, because I having a difficult time finding someone compatible for Bianca.

Because you know accepting the cow’s flirt is a cry for desperation.

Would it be the Sims if not for desk fails?

Blake: “Man Borealis it’s so weird! How I can’t sit at the computer when you are?”

Borealis: “Wow, now I can’t sit down. And there isn’t even anyone here!”

Guys, please. I’m trying to get through these last few semesters.

Billie: “I’ll never forgive the sim Gods, for depriving me of the family I never had!”

Bianca: “AAGH! Lame, I got no points for that scare.”

Billie: “Haha, that’s what you get for screwing me over!”

Alcatraz(on the phone with God-knows-who): “Oh no, we don’t have a ghost problem. Though why we don’t just move them to a graveyard is beyond my comprehension.”

Barbara: “Oh hey Melissa. What brings you to this part of town?”

Complete and brutal vengeance.”

Not again…

Borealis: “Really, an Admire? But I thought you hate me.”

Melissa: “Oh, completely. But I can’t help but want you back.”

Borealis: “I’m engaged.”

Melissa: “I don’t care, accept my admiration!”

Yeah, I don’t trust her for one second.

It was so easy, it’s almost sad.

Blake: “Did someone grab the cake, or is it Tuesday?”

“Well, time to beat my new high score!”

“God, ANOTHER death? What did we do to deserve this?!”

I’m sorry, he can’t help but feel sad, he was never angry at Melissa. But she couldn’t help but get enticed by the cake!

And to close off this long-overdue update, Alcatraz’s long-overdue graduation!

All close family and friends were invited.

Avenir: “Yep, we got robbed about ten years ago. And nothing else of interest happens to us, because we still talk about it.”

The horny parents make use of the bath facilities.

And following that, I’m yet again reminded that Ai has the flu and I still haven’t cured her.

Alc and Ming reserve the hot tub for a session, only to be interrupted by her brother.

Avenir: “So, you girls having fun?”

Ming: “If we just keep looking at each other, could be we pretend he’s not there?”

Alcatraz: “If you can, more power to you. I’ve lived with him for most of my life and I haven’t figured out how to ignore him.”

Bianca: “Ugh, such asinine commentary! You can tell she hasn’t played our house in months. This whole time we’ve been frozen in time, sitting here with Professor Stalker.”

Cut me some slack, Bianca. At least I’ve taken most of the pictures beforehand.

And so, Alcatraz’s academic life has come to an end. She looks so thrilled to be wearing the getup of a soccer mom.

“Sure is quiet here. Did everyone go to a final exam in the middle of the night again?”

Blake, I don’t know how that got out of your queue, but billiards can wait! Can you believe there’s still three semesters left? I know I can.

So, that’s Part Two of Gen B College. Hoping the next(and last) college update isn’t too far behind. Happy simming!

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